Selecciona una palabra y presiona la tecla d para obtener su definición.



This article was originally presented as a lecture at the Conference of Departments of Spanish of the University of Wales, held at Gegynog in March, 1975. I am in debted to Professor Arthur Terry for helpful suggestions.



E. Pardo Bazán, Obras completas (novelas y cuentos), ed. Federico Carlos Sáinz de Robles, third edition (Madrid, 1957), I, 174.



José María Pereda, Obras completas, ed. José María de Cossío, sixth edition (Madrid, 1954), II, 1191.



Using the well-worn image of the body politic, Pereda argues in Peñas arriba that «la reconstitución del cuerpo degenerado y podrido ha de venir por la sangre pura de las extremedidades» (OC, II, 1365).



For the two versions of the ending of this novel, see Florian Smieja, «An Alternative Ending of La Fontana de Oro», MLR, LXI (1966), 426-433 and Joaquín Gimeno Casalduero's article in the anejo to vol. XI of Anales galdosianos, pp. 55-69.



B. Pérez Galdós, Obras completas, ed. Federico Carlos Sáinz de Robles, third edition (Madrid, 1954), IV 186-187.



J. E. Varey, Pérez Galdós: Doña Perfecta, Critical Guides to Spanish Texts, I (London, 1971), pp. 11-12, 22-25.



OC, IV, 559. This edition reads, incorrectly, «Espesísimo es el centro...»



Quotations from La desheredada are taken from the first edition (Madrid, 1881), followed in each case by a reference to OC, IV.



The quotation is taken from the first edition (Madrid, 1895), followed by a reference to the Obras completas, ed. Federico Carlos Sáinz de Robles, second edition (Madrid, 1950), vol. V.
